Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lethal Weapon

Lethal Weapon; action, USA, 1987; D: Richard Donner, S: Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Mitchell Ryan, Darlene Love

Numerous heroin smugglers have found their sanctuary in Los Angeles. Among the police officers who are trying to arrest them is the African-American Roger Murtaugh who gets a new partner, Martin Riggs. Roger is a family man averse to action, but it turns out that Martin is his exact opposite, a hysterical, unpredictable and energetic cop who still has trouble coping with the death of his wife in a car accident. Despite their contradictions, the two of them will become great partners. The bad guy kidnaps Roger's daughter, but Martin kills him.

Ultra-fast action film, "Lethal Weapon" is a successful and well made mainstream product, as well as commercial since it grossed fine at the box office. Crammed with chases, shooting and violence, where rhythm is more important than the plot, this "buddy cop" film will not leave many indifferent and amused. The first two sequels were even more inspiring, whereas Danny Glover is in top-notch shape as the family man cop Roger Murtaugh. However, "Lethal Weapon" is not some great achievement: it lacks humor and originality, the sadism and some cheap 'hard boiled' elements are occasionally bothersome (when the bad guy is torturing Gibson's Riggs with electricity) whereas Riggs' final fight is banal.



VS said...

Inace, ovo je jedan od najbinijih filmova za razvitak akcionog zanra i takodje jedan od najzanivljivih "vikend popodne" filmova koji su se pustali na TV-u bez obzira na to da je sam film prepun izuzetno nasilnih scena. Takodje, reci za ovaj film da nije duhovit je jako, jako cudno. Ali ok, Shrek je duhovit jer se glupi magarac stalno dere tako da ok...

Marin Mandir said...

Ja sam napisao "fali mu više humora", ne da "nije duhovit". Ima scena u kojima ima humora, no trebalo ih je biti više jer se većina filma doima preozbiljno. Osobno, nikada nisam bio neki fan serijala "Smrtonosno oružje", tako ne bi htio sam sebi lagati i hvaliti ga više nego što doista vjerujem u to. Drugi i treći dio su mi ipak nekako draži od ovog.