Monday, December 30, 2024

The Diary of Paulina P.

Dnevnik Pauline P.; comedy, Croatia, 2023; D: Neven Hitrec, S: Katja Matković, Judita Franković Brdar, Borko Perić, Igor Kovač, Aria Dunda, Ramona Ivanda

Paulina P. is a 9-year old girl from the 3C class in Zagreb. She lives with her mom and dad, an aspiring physicist who wants to disprove Einstein's theory of relativity. Paulina encounters several adventures: their class receives a new teacher; an abandoned house is rumored to host ghosts, but she instead finds a puppy inside and adopts him for her birthday; a new popular girl arrives in class, Ana, and Paulina hates her, but eventually becomes her friend; Paulina orders her boyfriend to take her out ice skating for Valentine's Day... When her mom and dad argue and break up, Paulina conjures up a plan to make them up again by renovating the abandoned house to be her dad's private workroom. The plan fails, but her parents do make up in the end.

The film adaptation of Sanja Polak's eponymous novel, "The Diary of Paulina P." is a solid, albeit underwhelming comedy that works as some sort of a lesser version of "Pepper Ann". As it is the problem with most of kids movies, "Paulina" also seems too naive, kitschy and unrealistic at times, without sharpness or spice, occasionally dangerously coming close to the synthetic feel of "Pippi Longstocking", and thus this type of humor will feel outdated as soon as the kids in the movie grow up, whereas the leading actress Katja Matkovic delivers a stiff and mechanical performance. Nonetheless, there is still some good moments of "universal" humor that manages to liven up the film. The story is episodic, more like a 'slice-of-life' set of vignettes without a clear storyline, but some of the episodes have charm. The best joke is a one with surreal sharpness: Paulina reveals her plan to the mother of her teacher as to how she plans to make up her parents, by renovating an abandoned house to be her dad's new workroom. A random house painter accepts the task and goes on to start work, and on his way he picks up another handyman, who in turn persuades over a dozen people at a cafe to enter his van and help. A dozen housepainters and handymen thus gather at the abandoned house to start work. Paulina shows up with her parents there, but the abandoned house is still derelict. Nontheless, Paulina accepts a pizza delivery and bonds with her parents, who make up. Cue to the house painter observing from the bushes and talking with other handymen: "Paulina must be angry that we didn't do aynthing with the abandoned house." - "How could we? We're just characters in her imagination!" Another amusing scene is when a boy randomly asks Paulina if he can sit next to her during the bus trip, and she has this thought: "Whenever someone falls in love with me, I immediately fall in love with him!" Despite a too neat construction, the film is still moderately fun to watch and has some good chronicles from the kids' experiences in elementary school.


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