Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Tortured Soul

The Tortured Soul; crime drama short, USA, 2021; D: Andrew de Burgh, S: Bianca Stam, Nicolas de Burgh Sidley

A woman sits in a room with the murderer of her husband. The murderer is tied up to a chair. She accosts him, scorns him, tells him she cannot forgive him for killing the man she loved. She then shoots the murderer, and aims a gun at her own head.

An unusual twist on the serial killer films, a one where the killer is confronted and has to listen to one the people who cared about his victim, "The Tortured Soul" is a thought-provoking, minimalist kammerspiel consisting just out of said two characters, with the woman of the killed husband taking the role of the prosecutor and judge, setting up her own private Tribunal. The film has an elegant camera and great cinematography, but is overburdened with didactic preaching of the woman, which exhuasts itself into monotone rambling after a while. Too much babble to handle, yet for a 9 minute short, it is consistent and compact, just enough to sustain the attention of the vewers, while the actress Bianca Stam is great, especially considering that she is the only one who says anything in the entire film, while the killer is speechless.


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